About me
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5117-6397
Research areas:
- employee remuneration and performance appraisal systems,
- HR analytics - opportunities and threats of using quantitative data analysis in people management,
- psychometrics in the analysis of intellectual capital,
- attitudes and behaviours towards pay transparency and the impact of pay disclosure on employees,
- factors leading to work engagement and burnout,
- management of higher education institutions, with particular focus on the effectiveness of research evaluation systems on indvdual and institutional levles.
Functions at the university
Vice-Dean for Education
Assistant professor in a group of research and teaching staff
Address: ul. Wólczańska 221, 93-005 Łódź, building B17, room 3.15
Outside the University:
I promote the idea of Evidence-Based Management , which I write about on the Evidence-Based HR blog,
I publish articles and analyzes addressed to practitioners on the wynagrdzenia.pl and rynekpracy.pl portals,
I cooperate with Sedlak & Sedlak company.
My latest book is "Compensation Effectiveness Management".
The current list of my publications in scientific journals can be found at:
Scientific activity

Scientific activity